Questions to ask a behavioral therapist:

1. Do you believe that a gluten and casein free diet is shown to benefit children with autism?
2. What are the pros and cons of a gluten/casein free diet?
3.  What does a behavioral therapist do for individuals with autism?
4. If a parent wants to put their autistic child on the GFCF diet, is it harder for the child to adapt than it is for a child who starts it at a young age?
5. Do parents often ask you about this diet? If so, do you recommend it?
6. Do children with autism show a change in their behavior when they first start this diet?
7. Do many of your patient’s parents believe this diet is effective?
8. Is it hard for parents to be consistent with this diet?
9. How does behavioral therapy help an autistic child?
10. Would it be more beneficial to the child if this diet were started at a young age?
11. What are some of the ways that autism is caused?
12. Why type of symptoms can improve in autism by maintain this type of diet?
13. Have a lot of your patients tried the GFCF diet? If so, were they on it for a long period of time?
14. What types of tests are given to diagnose a child with autism?
15. What are some steps to start a gluten and casein free diet for an autistic child?
16. Is this a popular diet?
17. Why do so many parents/teachers believe that this diet shows a significant improvement on an autistic child’s behavior?
18. Do you think the foods we eat have anything to do with the reason for so many of today’s children being born with autism spectrum disorders?
19. Do you think that there is a possibility that researchers will ever declare the GFCF diet to be effective?
20. It is possible that autistic children will not respond to this diet?
21. What is the link between celiac disease and autism?

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